I remember when time went by slowly. How long it seemed for Christmas or Summer to come each year when I was a child. I remember when I couldn't wait to be 13, 15, 18, and, finally, 21.
Now my daughter is going to be TWO years old in a week. It seems like just yesterday that Jeremy and I were lying on the couch watching a fight when I tried to doze off because my stomach was hurting. I eventually realized I was waking up at intervals that seemed very similar. Then, it hit me, I was probably having contractions. So we were off to the hospital and, sure enough, I was in labor.
At some point in the night my labor stopped and just as they were about to send me home, they checked me one last time and I was dilated to 4! I don't have one of those awful labor stories. I was in labor for 20 hours, hard, painful labor for an hour or so before they attempted a second epidural that actually worked, and then I giggled as I pushed for 10 minutes to help my baby girl into this world.
The only time since then that has seemed to go slow was my 6 weeks of recovery since my recovery was very rough, but now 6 weeks seems like such a short time.
Now, here I am watching my Chloe sing, dance, and play as she takes a bath. She is so awesome.
-She can say and sing her alphabet.
-She recognizes letters.
-She can count to 14.
-She can sing several songs such as Twinkle Twinkle, Old MacDonald, and several intros to cartoons.
-She can sing and dance to most Wiggle songs.
-She knows all the places to laugh when watching Sesame Street.
-She can walk, run, and jump with both feet off the ground.
-She can operate my Nook Color and my Samsung Infuse and her Innotab 2s
-She brushes her own teeth.
-She has numerous words in her vocabulary now although she still likes to jabber.
Oh my goodness, the list is endless. She has grown up so much in TWO short years. I don't know what to do with myself sometimes because she is such an amazing kid!
SO here is to you Chloe. Happy Almost 2nd Birthday! You have filled my life with such an unbelievable amount of happiness :)